Clubhouse Masterplan Committee

Clubhouse Campus Masterplan News -- December-2023:

The project team has looked at all the input received from LLPOA Members at our Focus Group sessions and the Community Review, and NorthShore Architects has created a campus plan and layout that best incorporates that input.  This plan and layout can be seen below.  We are excited how this gives us the ability to use the Clubhouse in the many ways that us Members want to use it.  Once we fund this project, we will enter the “Design Phase” and will choose the details and specifics of our Clubhouse.


The project team’s next steps are:

Finalize the cost estimate to complete this work  [mid-Dec]

Develop a financial approach to fund it  [Dec]

Complete all project work & documents for this phase  [early-Jan]

Ask for funding from the Members  [Feb-April]

Hire a Design and Construction company  [tbd]


The team received such fantastic input in the October sessions that there is no need to conduct another one in December. Therefore, the December 9 Community Review has been canceled.



Clubhouse Campus Masterplan News -- October-2023:


The CHMP Design and Communications Committees held two Focus Group sessions, October 11 and 14, with over 100 members attending.  Thanks to all of those who came and provided their thoughts!  In these sessions, the latest information was shared:

  • - Master planning for land usage for LLPOA property (in general) and the Clubhouse Campus
  • - Layout concepts for Clubhouse and Office
  • Exterior design concept
  • - Proposed Tiers of work and estimated annual costs per member
  • - Food Service options


The presentation can be viewed using this link below:

After the presentation, the members broke out into 3 groups, and these groups rotated through more detailed discussions and provided their input about 3 key areas:

  1. Layout & Looks – inside and out
  2. Food Service Options
  3. Priority Tiers and Costs


These discussions were extremely valuable to the CHMP Design Committee, and the information gathered in these sessions is already helping guide the design into the next phase. 


A Community Meeting will be held on October 28 from 10am – noon at the River Hills Church.  This will be the next opportunity for all Members to hear about the project, see the latest design concepts, get their questions answered, and provide their input to the project.  After this meeting, the Project Team will further develop the concept, adding details to the design, with another phase of reviews with the Members before the end of 2023.

Clubhouse logo.jpg

Clubhouse Campus Masterplan News -- August/September-2023:

Summer is quickly fading into fall as we are wrapping up another great lake season.  I hope everyone enjoyed all the rafts ups and poker runs, the hot summer days, and actually being able to drive your boat up the north cove thanks to the dredging.


This summer the Clubhouse Campus Masterplan Project has been busy as well.  We completed an exhaustive Request for Proposal (RFP) process and selected North Shore Construction & Development Services to be our architect partner.  North Shore has been on-site several times now and is in the process of designing renditions of an updated clubhouse and kitchen, LLPOA office, work out facilities, and many other amenities that were important from the survey conducted earlier this year.


Mike Wetzel’s Design Committee has been meeting frequently with North Shore since late August.  They are developing plans and determining costs for a base plan to revive the clubhouse and then at least two additional plans to add more facilities and upgrades.  My Communications Committee is planning to hold focus groups to show these plans to the members and to understand how much money people will be willing to pay to fund these plans.  The Finance Committee, run by Todd Steinbrink, is working with our bankers to determine alternatives for funding the overall project.


The Clubhouse Campus team will host two Community Meetings this fall to share all of this information with our members.  These Community Review are scheduled for the early afternoons of Saturday October 28 and Saturday December 9.  Please mark your calendars and make sure to attend.  Ultimately the Board will be putting this program to a vote with the hopes of construction beginning early next year.


Make sure to check out all the latest updates on the Clubhouse Campus Masterplan by going to website under the “Committees & Clubs” section.  We will keep the membership informed every step of the way and we look forward to developing a long-term plan that makes Lake Lorelei the premier residential lake community in Ohio.


Todd Steele

Chairman, Communications Committee


Clubhouse Campus Masterplan News -- June-2023:

Members in Good Standing have been emailed a link to the survey.

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. There are 23 questions. After the last question, click the blue arrow to record your answers.


The number one issue is bringing our 50+ year old clubhouse up to date on current building codes so that it can receive a certificate of occupancy and re-open. Also, the restaurant was almost entirely destroyed, including major sections of the east side roof. An insurance claim has been filed but not settled as of January 2023. The lake carried current value coverage which is unlikely to be enough to fix the damages and upgrade the facilities to current code.


Other challenges to the Clubhouse-Restaurant-Office campus area are:


1. The business model for the restaurant has been challenging for both the restaurant operator and the LLPOA membership.

2. The LLPOA main office at 615 Lorelei Drive has significant structural issues with the foundation, roof, and floors, and is in need of major repairs to create acceptable working conditions.


We want YOUR input in re-envisioning the Clubhouse Campus!

Tell us your ideas.


Check your email for the link!


And.. don’t forget to be on the watch for “Listening Tour” Open Houses in February and March where you can come in person to chat about what comes next for the clubhouse.



Last summer the community’s clubhouse suffered a fire in the restaurant with significant burn, smoke, and water damage. The Association has lost occupancy for the building until the building can be repaired and brought up to code as required for our use.


The LLPOA Board created a Clubhouse Campus Masterplan project so that we can take a step back and really think longer term about what is important to the Membership about all of our facilities and what we want our lake community to be, both today and into the future. We need your feedback.

There will be 4 committees under this effort: 

  1. Communications – learning the needs of the members & sharing out the progress of the Masterplan
  2. Design – designing a campus to meet our needs, establishing a multi-year plan, and leading the overall project timeline
  3. Finance – understand the cost of buildings and optional scope, and establishing how to fund what is decided to do
  4. Construction – after the plan is aligned and created, lead the construction and start-up of each phase of the Masterplan


Volunteers are being sought to be on the Communications and the Design Committees.

 If you are interested, please send an email to the BOT Liaison for this Masterplan: 

Please email NOW, so we can launch these committees into action ASAP.